

House Sparrow

The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a small, brown-grey bird with a distinctive black bib on its throat, commonly found in urban and suburban areas throughout Ireland. They feed on seeds, insects, and scraps of food and are known for their cheerful chirping songs.


The house sparrow is a small, plump bird with a stubby beak and a brown and grey coloured plumage. They have a distinctive black patch covering their eyes and a grey cap on their head.

What they eat:

House sparrows are known to be opportunistic feeders, consuming a variety of food items such as seeds, insects, spiders, and even human scraps.


House sparrows are commonly found in urban and suburban settings, living in gardens, parks, and around human settlements. They prefer nesting in holes and crevices in buildings or trees.

Size and wingspan:

The house sparrow can grow up to 16 cm in length with a wingspan of around 23 cm.

Male-female difference:

Male house sparrows have a black bib on their throat and a chestnut-coloured plumage during breeding season, whereas females have a paler brown plumage and a grey-brown bib.

Where to find:

The house sparrow can be found across Ireland, from cities to rural areas.

What months can be found in Ireland:

House sparrows can be found in Ireland throughout the year, but are more active during the breeding season from April to August.

Interesting note:

House sparrows are highly social birds, often living in large groups. They are also known for their distinctive chirping, which is often heard in the early morning and late afternoon. However, despite their commonality, house sparrow populations have been declining in recent years, making vigilance towards their conservation important.

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