

Blue Tit

The Blue Tit is a small and colorful bird found throughout Ireland. Its vibrant blue and yellow plumage, as well as its acrobatic feeding behaviors, make it a popular sight in gardens and woodlands.


The Blue Tit, scientifically known as Cyanistes caeruleus, is a small-sized bird that is common in Ireland. It is a beautiful bird that can be easily identified by its striking blue-colored feathers on its head and wings, which contrasted with its yellow belly and greenish-blue back. The Blue Tit also has a distinctive small black "button" located right above its beak. These birds are lively and acrobatic and are frequently seen hopping and hovering in search of their next meal.

What they eat:

The Blue Tits are omnivorous, and their diet consists of insects, seeds, berries, and nuts. Their favored meals include caterpillars, spiders, and worms, which they collect from trees, bushes, and on the ground.


The Blue Tit thrives in woodland areas, parks, and gardens that have plenty of trees and shrubs. These birds are adaptive and found in urban areas where they make their homes in birdhouses, nest boxes, and holes in trees.

Size and Wingspan:

The Blue Tit is a small-sized bird that measures around 10-12 cm in length and weighs approximately 11 grams. Its wingspan is around 18-20cm.

Male and Female difference:

The male and female Blue Tits look alike in appearance, and it is challenging to distinguish them from one another. However, during breeding season, the male has a more prominent black stripe running down its belly compared to the female.

Where to find:

Blue Tits are prevalent in Ireland, and you can observe them in almost every part of the country. You can often spot them in gardens, parks, and wooded areas. They are also present in rural and urban areas, so it's relatively easy to observe their behavior.

What months can they be found in Ireland:

Blue Tits are present in Ireland all year-round, but their breeding season is usually between April and July. During this period, they become more active and can be spotted more often.

Interesting note:

Blue Tits are famous for their ability to open milk bottle caps to get to the cream at the top. This behavior was first observed in 1921 in Southampton, England, and has since spread to other parts of Europe. Additionally, Blue Tits can also be trained to use tools, such as sticks or tweezers, to extract food from hard-to-reach places. This bird's intelligence level is impressive, making them a fascinating bird species to watch and learn about.

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