


The crow, also known as the carrion crow, is a large black bird found commonly throughout Ireland. They are known for their distinct cawing call and their intelligence.


The crow is a large bird that can be identified by its glossy black feathers and robust build. At about 17 inches in length, it is larger than most other birds found in Ireland. The crow has a distinctive voice and can often be heard cawing loudly from a distance.

What they eat:

Crows are omnivores and can eat a wide variety of foods. They feed on insects, small animals, fruits, and even carrion. They are known to be opportunistic feeders and are often seen scavenging for food around farms, urban areas, and even landfills.


Crows can be found in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, farmlands, and urban areas. They often nest in tall trees, and their nests can be easily spotted due to their large size and untidy appearance.

Size and wingspan:

The crow is a large bird, with a wingspan of around 39 inches. They weigh around 1 pound and can stand up to 17 inches tall.

Male and female difference:

Male and female crows are very similar in appearance and size, making it difficult to tell them apart. The only noticeable difference between male and female crows is their behavior during mating season, where males will often try to impress females by showing off their strength and agility.

Where to find:

Crows can be found all over Ireland, and are a common sight in most urban and rural areas. They can often be seen foraging for food in fields or on the side of the road.

What months can be found in Ireland:

Crows can be found in Ireland all year round, as they do not migrate to other areas during the winter months.

Interesting note:

Crows are known to be exceptionally intelligent and have been observed using tools to obtain food. They have also been known to exhibit a wide range of emotions, including grief and joy. Crows are also believed to have a strong memory and to be able to recognize individual humans, often remembering people who have been kind to them or have provided them with food.

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