

Coal Tit

The Coal Tit is a small and distinctive bird found across Ireland's woodlands, gardens, and feeders. It is easily identified by its black cap and bib, white cheeks, and grey-green upperparts.


Coal Tits are small, agile birds found throughout Ireland that are part of the tit family. They have a distinct black cap on their heads and a prominent white patch on the nape of their necks. Their backs are a pale grey-brown, while their underparts are a buff-white color. They are easily recognizable through their call, which is a high-pitched "tsee-tsee-tsee" sound.

What they eat:

Coal Tits primarily feed on insects, spiders, and small invertebrates, but they also have a fondness for seeds and nuts. They can often be seen clinging to tree bark, searching for prey, and also foraging on the ground for food. They are known to store food in trees to eat later.


These birds prefer deciduous and coniferous woodland habitats, as well as mixed woodland, older hedgerows, and gardens. They are also commonly found in parks and urban areas.

Size and Wingspan:

Coal Tits are small birds, typically measuring about 11cm in length with a wingspan of 17cm.

Male and Female difference:

There is not a significant difference between males and females. They can be found throughout most of the year in Ireland, but they are more commonly seen during the winter months, when they visit bird feeders.

Where to find:

If you're looking to spot Coal Tits in Ireland, you're most likely to find them in evergreen and mixed forests, especially in the western regions of the country.

Interesting Note:

An interesting note about Coal Tits is that they are highly adaptable birds and are known to change their diet throughout the year. During warmer months, they feed primarily on insects, but during colder periods, they switch to seeds, nuts, and insects that they have stored in tree bark crevices, a behavior known as "caching."

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